Tuesday, April 12, 2011


i thought it was the weather, but i wasn't right. i met a woman in the garden section of wallmart today. she overheard a phone conversation between my mother and i. she was brave in the way that she stepped in and shared both her hope and her sorrow with me. she started the conversation by simply telling me to cherish the time i have with my mother because she would do anything to get the time with her mother back. we continued to talk as she shared more with me. a life full of pain that i can't even imagine. i ended up holding her as she cried. i guess sometimes all you need is a stranger. towards the end of the conversation she told me it was her 70th birthday on Saturday and that she would be spending it alone. my heart was broken. i told her i would love to celebrate her birthday with her and gave her my number. i really hope she calls. i know this is painful and i hate to share it, but i think we all need a reminder once in awhile. These are the days we have. we are together, and that is enough. 


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